Sunday, April 16, 2023

One last relationship fuck you from Jen

 OK, so today I discovered that my soon to be ex wife not only decided to dump me, but that she managed to start up a new relationship immediately. Am I wrong for thinking that a slight pause after ending an 18+ year relationship is not unreasonable? I don't expect her to sit around pining away for me, but it would be nice if there was at least a pause before diving into a new relationship.

I am now going to be petty as fuck for a few minutes. 

First and foremost, while I am not a paragon of male perfection, I am more than a little annoyed at the guy I was replaced with. I am not impressed appearance-wise. I don't know, maybe he has a really good game or has a big dick or something. But I am hurt to have been tossed aside for some doughy looking white guy. 

While I didn't specifically wish the guy any ill will (hell, I didn't know he existed until today) I am taking a certain amount of evil glee in the fact that he died so soon after the start of the relationship. Not gonna lie, the petty fucker inside me is laughing like a total goon. 

Now if only I could get his goddamned housing situation sorted out. It would make me feel a whole lot better to get the fuck out of this house and away from this woman.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Welp. That's that.

 Well, got asked to get ready to file for divorce in a couple of months. Gonna be fun finding a new place to live and extracting my financial life out of this marriage. At least I can go back to being the quiet hermit I used to be. I will only have my own neuroses to deal with instead of a household's.