Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th

Given that I was sitting in Midtown Manhattan when the first tower was hit, had a college friend on one of the planes and knew far too many people who worked in the vicinity (though thankfully, no one in the towers), September 11th has always been a tough day for me. Hell, it took me three years just to be able to go back to Ground Zero and visit.

I find many the things that have been done in the name of "protecting" us from future happenings like this to be more than a little reprehensible and a black mark on the memories of the many people who died as a result of the attack. Hopefully, when Dubya goes away in January 2009, some good sense will be restored to the people in charge and their attitudes towards things like this.

I hope everyone has a decent day and takes a moment to remember the attack and put in a word with their chosen deity that this sort of thing never happens again anywhere.

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