Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Comic Book Day

As yet another Wednesday rolls around, I, having been up since 3am, feel the need to bitch about the lack of a decent equivalent of The Source Comics and Games here in St Louis. I have discovered a decent comic shop (Star Clipper Comics), but it definitely seems designed to appeal to a different comics buyer then me. Though I have no desire to be in a shop full of overweight, socially inept, basement dwelling trolls, I would like a shop that caters more directly to the comics nerd, rather than to the comics hipsters. Unfortunately, Star Clipper seems to be doing the latter. When I walk into a comic shop, I expect to be able to talk comics with the people who work there. The folks at the store are nice enough, but there seems to be some sort of gap between me and them. Not sure what it is, but it is there. It might be my growing curmudgeonly nature, but I don't think so.

Anyway, I miss The Source because on Wednesday, there was a palpable, electric thrill in the air because the new books were out on the shelves. The staff was there in full force and the comics geeks were too, debating the merits of everything out on the shelves, new and old. Star Clipper has a much more sedate feel that doesn't seem right to me on new comic book day.

I have also found a small local shop. I don't think that one will work for me because:

a) The place is pretty small. Accordingly, the selection is a bit limited. Not a problem for your average Marvel/DC fanboy, but not so good for me.

b) The stock and the owner's mindset seems to be aimed squarely at the mainstream comics reader. Nothing wrong with that, because that is what sells, but I like the more offbeat stuff. Hell, the books I am looking forward to the most these days is the Virgin Comics reboot of Dane Dare and most of the Warren Ellis/Avatar comics (especially Gravel!). Not something your average comic book fanboy would say I think.

Anyway, I am going to stop now because I am bumming myself out. Hopefully, I will resolve this issue sometime soon.

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