Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The last week or so has been good for my Nerd self. I went to a birthday party over the weekend for a friend of J's and it turns out that it was a house full of Nerds! I spent plenty of time talking about various movies, books and related things. Just about the only thing we didn't get into was D&D. Oh well, it can't be all perfect!

I also discovered that one of my co-workers is a comics nerd as well. It's a good thing to be able to stand around and chat about comics with someone again.

It ain't quite Nerdvana, but it's getting better.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The final countdown!

Tomorrow is the walk through for the house. Can you tell I'm a bit nervous that I am getting this close to the final commitment. Wow, major life choices are scary! :-)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

House stuff

Looks like the house is a go. We've got all of the paperwork filled out, we are looking to buy a new fridge in a week and the closing is next Friday. God, this scares the holy living crap out of me. Maybe I will be happier in 30 years when this loan is paid off.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


By the way, I am down to 190. I haven't been this light since the end of my freshman year in college. Now on to going back to my Senior year in high school weight, before I discovered abundant free beer!

My life is stress.

I think the universe is out to get me. I'm suddenly poor. Apparently the kids suddenly need the world bought for them. J's brother is now a money pit. And this house thing is going to inspire a full blown stroke in me if i do not get it resolved soon.

I figure the reason for all this stress is that I am now responsible for people other than myself. My life was nice and simple before I had to worry about what happened to anyone but me. While there have always been people who would have been affected if I suddenly dropped dead, now there are people who will be greatly affected if I simply fail. This is a problem for me. I'm way too old to have to suddenly have to start working other people's issues into my own.

There's a reason I said I was never going to be a parent.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Even more holy crap!

I think we've found the house we're going to buy!