Wednesday, August 24, 2022

My life is shit

 Lemme see. I think my kidney is failing. Again. I have no idea if I am still going to have a marraige for much longer. I am having vision problems again.I am losing so much focus on my job, I am not sure I will have that much longer. I'm not sure I have any close friends left. That one is mostly my fault, but it is an issue. One of my kids I am pretty sure hates me. My Mom died a few months ago and I still cant deal with it. Hell, I can't even seem to take any joy in reading of video games. How fucked is that?

I'm not sure how much worse my life can get without it totally imploding. I'm stuck in this weird position of trying to figure out what significant portion of my life is going to implode first and then figuring out if it is  the thing that drives me over the edge. 

I hate this shit.

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