Monday, July 31, 2006

Edema update

Well, it looks like I am just going to have to learn to live with the edema for a while. According to the transplant nurse, it is a common side effect of a transplant. They have to re-route some blood vessels to get everything hooked up properly and the swelling is a result of that rearranging.

I chatted a bit with KR and she said she experienced the same thing right after her transplant. I'm just going to have to wait it out and learn just how much fluid my body needs to function. It's a tricky balance: too much and I get really nasty swelling and not enough and the kidney starts to hibernate a bit and doesn't work as efficiently. This is also much more hazardous during the early stages of a transplant when the new organ is getting used to its new surroundings.

we'll see how it goes over the next couple of days.


missmolly said...

You thought you were on a special diet before, and now you have to measure your liquids. But, as they say, this too shall pass.

Funball said...

I don't think it will be quite that bad, and most of my other dietary restrictions have actually been removerd. Now that the kidney seems to be kicking in, I don't need to be quite as watchful of most of the things I eat, I just need to eat healthy in general.