Monday, August 14, 2006

More drug changes

Oh happy day! It appears that my potassium level is actually up to something respectable! It's been years since it was that way on it's own! Hopefully it will stay there and allow them to reduce the amount of potassium I am taking. Those things are freaking horse pills!

They also reduced the amount of phosphorous I am taking. It was getting high again, so finally something that reduces the number of pills instead of increasing it.

It appears that they are not done dinking with the blood pressure meds though. They upped the Diovan and the Lasix in an attempt to bring my BP under control as well as control the edema in my leg. I ended up spending most of the day on the couch trying to get the swelling to go down. Kind of boring, but we'll see how it goes.

Also, my creatinine level is down to 1.5. Hopefully this will continue. I have not actually gotten the results from the blood tests today, so we shall see if that results in more changes.

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