Monday, September 25, 2006

And the fun continues

Just to make my day even better, I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow morning (I already had one scheduled for the afternoon) because my white blood cell count keeps going down. They are not sure why, but it appears that there will be more tinkering with my drugs. Hope it helps, because this cold thing bites!


missmolly said...

Keep us posted if you can.

PT said...

October 14, 2006 (Saturday)

It's been more than 48 hours since DT's lung biopsy, and we are still awaiting the findings.

Depending on the findings, there is a possibility that they might have to perform a tracheostomy; prolonged intubation can cause a form of pneumonia, and the medical staff want to reduce that risk.

DT's mother is making arrangements to travel to Minneapolis on Monday.

More updates to come as we hear more from the medical staff...

A said...

:( Hang in there and keep us all posted. :(

PT said...

October 15, 2006 (Sunday)

We still have not heard back from the lab... the wait continues.

The otorhinolaryngologist is going to stop by later this afternoon to assess DT's condition; the tracheostomy might happen as early as tomorrow morning.

Due to her current health, DT's mother will not be able to travel to Minneapolis tomorrow. DT's younger sister will be flying in her mother's stead.

PT said...

October 15, 2006 (Sunday)

The otorhinolaryngologist has decided to perform the tracheostomy tomorrow morning. Since this procedure was not officially 'scheduled' for DT, we won't be surprised if it gets 'delayed'.

PT said...

October 16, 2006 (Monday)

DT's tracheostomy went smoothly this morning. The next step would be gastrostomy tube feeding.

Still no news from the lab...

PT said...

Will do (and the babies too) :-) BTW, DT's sister M is in town.

Most of the lab results have come back negative. We bumped into one of DT's doctors yesterday in the hallway, and he said that he was going to give kt a call.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

PT said...

To clarify - for those who are wondering who kt is, she's one of DT's sisters who also happens to be a doctor. Since she's a relative, DT's doctors can speak freely to her about his condition.

PT said...

October 18, 2006 (Wednesday)

One of the kidney doctors came by today. She opined that DT might remain in the ICU for the next three weeks or so.

WHEN he is successfully weaned off the intubator, DT would be placed under constant nursing care for about a month as he undergoes rehabilitation. His family is planning to transfer him back home to NJ temporarily for this.

PT said...

October 18, 2006 (Wednesday)

DT did really well tonight on his CPAP exercise (where he breathes mostly on his own with minimal assistance from the machine)... 3 hours. That's the best he's done since his fever went up again last week :-)

PT said...

Yes, DT will be at Abbott Northwestern for another three weeks or so; we'll need to get him something special for his birthday next Thursday.

DT is a tough (and stubborn) cookie... he WILL pull through this.

Stay healthy Kaley, and thanks so much for your (and Andy's) thoughts and prayers (and cards). Hopefully you'll be able to visit DT soon :-)

Jessa said...

Just got the word here in NYC through the Amherst/Mt Holyoke grapevine about DT being back in the hospital...

Thank you to those who have been posting updates...Dennis was there for me though some of the more eventful parts of my early adulthood, and it kills me to not be able to be there for him now. DT is one of the good ones.

You're in my thoughts buddy.


PT said...

October 19, 2006 (Thursday)

DT's creatinine level has been hovering past the 2.0 mg/dl mark for the past few days now. His doctors decided to perform a percutaneous kidney biopsy today to make sure that his kidney is functioning properly. His primary nephrologist stopped by shortly after the procedure to check on DT. Based on the smile on his face, he seemed to be quite pleased with the results.

A current theory as to why DT hyperventilates when they try to wean him off the intubator might be attributed to pH imbalance. Basically, the body regulates pH through the lungs and kidneys -- the lungs remove excess carbonic acid through the exhalation of CO2, and the kidneys excrete excess bicarbonate. Due to an unidentified underlying cause DT's bicarbonate-carbonic acid ratio (and pH) is off-whack, thus the hyperventilation when taken off the intubator. Fortunately, an infusion of sodium bicarbonate might help remedy this condition. However, the underlying cause must still be identified. Hopefully we'll hear more from DT's nephrologist tomorrow.

PT said...

October 19, 2006 (Thursday)

Finally... some good news that I must share with everyone :-)

Tonight is the first time (since being admitted into the ICU) that DT was conscious enough to interact with us. During his CPAP exercise he opened his eyes, looked at us, and was trying to talk to us! However, due to the trach we could not hear his words.

J and M were by his side, holding his hands. J told him that all is well, and that she loves him very much. DT replied, "I love you"; one does not need to be trained in lip-reading to recognize those three words. DT then turned to M, and looked a little worried because he was expecting his mom. M told DT that she was here on their mom's behalf and that their mom could not travel here because of her health, but she was doing fine. DT was visibly relieved after hearing this.

As we left for the night, M placed a call to their mom so that she could speak to him and have him hear her voice. She told him how much she loves him, and he nodded his head.

I'm usually quite good at managing my emotions, but tonight there were tears of joy in my eyes...

Get well soon DT!

missmolly said...

Go Dennis!

pt, you are a hero for keeping us up to date. Thank you!

PT said...

October 20, 2006 (Friday)

M left for home this morning. We talked to DT's primary nephrologist this afternoon, and he indicated that DT was having a mild form of rejection of his kidney. They have begun medication to treat this. At least now we know the underlying cause for DT's off-whack bicarbonate-carbonic acid ratio (and pH). We hid a bunch of communication cards in his room to help us 'talk' to him when he is able to.

PT said...

October 20, 2006 (Friday)

I forgot to mention that the folks at work dropped of a HUGE 'You are missed a BUNCH!' card today. It goes rather well with the balloons in his room...

Thank you :-)

PT said...

October 21, 2006 (Saturday)

DT's nephrologist is pleased with the progress the kidney has shown overnight. The sodium bicarbonate appears to be working, he completed two CPAP (breathing with minimal support) sessions today.

While flushing the feeding tube this morning the nurse spilt some water; DT looked up at her and gave her a sarcastic half-smile ;-)

Steerpike dropped by this afternoon and was visibly touched when he saw DT. He brought a copy of the Bhagavad Gita as a gift to DT.

DT was able to reach up and grab my hand, and hold onto it. Up till now, his hand would just rest on mine while I was holding it.

The hospital staff plans on letting him rest for the night, if he becomes restless they will drug him a little more.

PT has added to the room decor with papercraft pumpkins he assembled in the waiting room.

Hopefully tomorrow he will continue to improve ....


P.S. I'm typing under PT's login because I'm too lazy to create one myself.

PT said...

October 22, 2006 (Sunday)

They switch DT's sedation from a constant drip to 4-hourly doses injected through his IV.

DT is doing so well with his CPAP exercises that his doctors have decided to reduce the amount of CPAP machine assistance to 10% from 15%; he needs to get to 7.5% to get off the intubator.

PT said...

October 25, 2006 (Wednesday)

DT's creatinine level has dropped to 1.8 - a positive sign that the anti-rejection medication is working.

He did 12 hours of CPAP exercises at 10 percent assistance yesterday. Due to his excellent performance, they have decreased his CPAP assistance to 7 percent today. He's been CPAP'ing for 4.5 hours now, and so far he has been doing really well. As far as we know, the lowest setting that is available on the machine is 5 percent, so that's really good news.

DT will be 37 tomorrow, and his mother wishes him, "Happy Birthday DenDen" :-p

A said...

Happy Birthday, Dennis. Sorry you are having to celebrate it in the hospital

PT said...

October 26, 2006 (Thursday)

The most recent chest x-rays revealed, for the first time, a marked improvement in DT's condition.

They're weaning him off Ativan for his sedation, which can cause confusion, and switching him over to something that starts with the letter 'H' instead. It's been working well so far.

He's been at his most lucid since being in the ICU; he was able to communicate his needs to his nurse this morning about his comfort level and such. When she was about to get off her shift this afternoon, she asked him to be nice to the evening nurse (he's been rather restless the past few nights)... he raised his eyebrow mockingly at her.

DT's creatinine level dropped to 1.5 today, and he is now on his second six-hour CPAP exercise at 7 percent assistance. He is well on his path to being weaned off the intubator.

Integrated medicine came over this afternoon and performed an energy session on him. We told the physician about DT's belonephobia (fear of needles); I guess accupuncture is no longer in the list of options for him :-)

Happy Birthday DT!

missmolly said...

Wow, 'DT' and 'accupuncture' almost in the same sentence.

PT said...

October 28, 2006 (Saturday)

DT is finally breathing on his own! He did his first ever unassisted breathing exercise (using a trach dome) for four hours earlier today. He is now on his second set. He can talk at a whisper with the trach dome on, but it takes a lot of effort on his end.

The nurses have reduced his sedation medications; he is extremely alert (and grumpy) ;-)

He laughed at J for trying to keep her kids under control, and at me for my new hobby of making papercraft halloween decorations for his room.

PT said...

October 28, 2006 (Saturday)

DT asked if he's been in the hospital for two weeks. We told him that it's been closer to a month... he opened his eyes in disbelief.

I told him he had a pile of comics waiting for him to read... he gave me the "oh, great!" expression ;-)

It's going to be fun filling him in when he is finally able to talk to us (or when he has a chance to update his blog) :-)

PT said...

October 31, 2006 (Tuesday)

J left for home today, but she'll be back for Thanksgiving.

DT is improving by leaps and bounds. He is finally strong enough to sit himself up on the bed, and he's already started to brush his teeth himself!

AR, Kaley, TK, and (I believe) TK' came to visit him earlier tonight.

Though DT still can't talk because of the trach, we were able to have a conversation through a combination of my mediocre lip-reading skill (which BTW has increased by +1 to... 1!) and him using one of the communication sheets to spell out words.

We did a whole lot of catching up tonight - our discussion ranged from family to friends to work. I asked him how his physical therapy was going... he gave them the finger; he thinks they're not pushing him hard enough. He's so jonesing to get out of the hospital :-D

I updated him on the comments in this blog as well as messages that I have received in person and through e-mail. He's very grateful and thanks everyone for their prayers and thoughts.

I would have stayed a little bit longer to chat, but he was getting sleepy and kicked me out... he does this to me all the time when I visit him at his place also ;-)

Mental Note: Bring a hand-held label maker (with a decent-sized QWERTY keyboard) when I visit tomorrow so that DT can 'message' me instead of pointing to letters on a sheet of paper. PDAs are too small for him to use right now. Ah, the conveniences of modern technology :-)

PT said...

November 4, 2006 (Saturday)

DT is going strong. He is now doing marching exercises for his physical therapy sessions.

They finally removed the tube in his side this afternoon. This has been the proverbial 'thorn' on his side, and DT is extremely glad that it's finally out of his system.

His mom called while I was visiting today. I spoke to her, and she is very much relieved to hear that DT is doing well on his path to recovery. She also spoke to him briefly (he still can talk because of the trach though).

Kaley, I haven't had a chance to update/read this blog for the past few days due to my current work load but I will convey your message and ask him about the 'Z' word first thing tomorrow when I visit.

PT said...

November 5, 2006 (Sunday)

'Z' is for Zombies! DT's been having wierd dreams about Zombies, and he blames TK for all of that ;-)

It's nice that he is able to use the nurse's workstation to type messages while he's seated on his chair... it sure makes communicating with him so much easier :-)

He will be getting a gastrostomy feeding tube put in tomorrow morning; he is looking forward to it as the nose tube has been irritating him to no end.

PT said...

(Random rambling)

Remember, remember the Fifth of November... it just so happens to be (the 401st) Guy Fawkes Night, and I still haven't finished the graphic novel DT lent me way back prior to the opening of "V for Vendetta" in March this year.

PT said...

Carpe Diem }:->

The temptation is there, but DT's trying REALLY hard to behave. Likewise for me (for those who know what I do for a living). DT gives me the look if I even think about it...

Quia peccavi nimis cogitatione: mea culpa ;-)

PT said...

November 12, 2006 (Sunday)

Sorry all for the irregular updates... I've been working the Zombie shift this week, and it's proven to be more disruptive than I'd anticipated.

B R R A I N S...
m u s t
s n a p
o u t
o f
i t

Doctors and nurses alike have been at DT's mercy this weekend, for he is now the wielder of Mjølnir (or at least the inflatable Whomp It! version) ;-)

It's been a great form of stress relief for him... highly amusing too! He's learnt to use the call button on his remote to 'bait' his unsuspecting prey, and just as they step within lethal range... WHOMP!

Crikey! I believe we have ourselves a new species of apex predators ;-D

His antics have made him extremely popular with the staff in the ICU ward. They love him!

DT's been doing really well with his breathing exercises... so well in fact, that not one but two of his nurses believe that he might be transferred to a specialty rehab facility (Bathesda Hospital in downtown St. Paul) as early as the end of next week. DT has his fingers and toes crossed; he really dislikes the breathing machine and has WHOMP'ed it many many times. We're with you buddy :-)

PT said...

(Correction and update)

My bad. I just realized that I typo'ed Bethesda.

I also forgot to mention that DT will be undergoing a sclerosing procedure tomorrow to treat the over-active nymph nodes around his new kidney; they're the reason for the drain tube in his side and his doctors have finally decided that the tube has to go (for good).

Adam Schwartz said...

Hi Y'all!

Another thanks from NYC for the updates. Glad to hear Dennis is doing better, Jody and I expect him in New York in May for our wedding!

On that note, can someone post his addresses at home and in the hospital so we can send a save the date?


Adam & Jody

PT said...

November 19, 2006 (Sunday)

Not at all winegeek; the whole purpose of this thread is to keep everyone updated on DT's status, irregardless of the poster :-) You're right on on the busy part... for my line of work, it's tax (budget clearing) season right now.

BTW, I'm a he. We met the last time you were here in MN to visit DT. We went to the state fair together.

DT got moved to the Station 20 Isolation ICU on the night of Nov 17th (Friday) due to a drop in his white blood cell count. The exact cause of this drop is currently under investigation, but it is believed to have been caused by one or more of DT's anti-rejection medications.

The move to the isolation ward is a precautionary measure to ensure that DT does not contract anything due to his weakened immune system.

I visited him yesterday, and all his vital readings indicate that his kidney and lungs are healthy. His white blood cell count was up 30% from the night before. He is no longer reliant on the breathing machine (although he still has trach-dome on), and is able to move around by himself. Oh yes, he still wields Mjølnir ;-)

PT said...

November 19, 2006 (Sunday)

Just got back from visiting DT. He's obviously in better spirits than he was yesterday :-)

His white blood cell count is back into the 'normal' range today. But, to err on the side of caution, his hematologist has decided to keep the current precautionary measures (i.e., medication to help boost his white blood cell production, double set of sealed glass doors to his room, compulsory hand washing, no sick visitors, face masks for visitors with sniffles, no flowers, etc.) in place. A bone marrow biopsy has also been scheduled for tomorrow at noon to validate that it was indeed his medication that caused the count drop, and not something else.

PT said...

November 23, 2006 (Thursday, Thanksgiving Day)

The bone marrow biopsy on Monday was canceled due to DT's excellent rate of recovery.

This has been a week of milestones:

1. The precautionary measures have been lifted; both sets of glass doors to DT's room are now open at all times.

2. DT had a one-way valve installed in his trach that allows him to talk. Yes, we talked yesterday! The valve makes breathing harder for him, so it's only on for short periods of time right now.

3. "Pureed chicken leaves something to be desired"... They're starting to wean him onto semi-solid foods. He had small amounts of applesauce and milk last night. The peg tube is still there, for now.

4. They decided to trach-dome him through the night last night. No breathing machine assistance whatsoever.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :-)

P.S. Adam and Jody, Jen has DT's cell phone. She said that she would be more than happy to provide you the details.

adeave said...

recent pic of dennis

Saw the bruce wayne today.. didnt even know he was in the ICU or had been months since we spoke. thanks to his Intel Network, they know who they are. DT will get there. his a tropper. - A

T$ said...

DENNIS, thanks for lending us you Dreads while we were on tour back on 2000... We never would have been such a big hit with the ladies, without them.
they're not my dreads, they're dennis' dreads
get well soon, keep your head up, remember props are built tougher

Eric A. said...

Dennis I hope you are feeling better. All the Lions here in NYC are pulling for you.

Andy said...

Nice to hear you're up and about... but seriously... when will you back on the pitch? The old boys are short props... or course, if you've lost too much body mass and are planning to play wing... then that's a whole different discussion.

Peace and health.


PT said...

November 29, 2006 (Wednesday)

DT had his trach downsized to a 6 on Tuesday. We had a nice long chat yesterday... for almost two hours! He talked more yesterday than he's ever had during his entire stay at the hospital :-D

No more PEG tube and no more IV tube. In fact, they've began feeding him chopped (versus pureed) foods. He's also begun to take his meds orally. Oh BTW, his regular dose of Ambien had no effect on him last night; we chatted way past his normal bedtime of 10:00pm last night, and he was still wide awake when I left at 11:30pm. He is definitely getting much stronger now :-)

He will be getting another trach downsize in a day or two to a size 4, which is the smallest available size before it can be removed. If all goes well, he might even be transferred to a rehab station by the end of this week. Almost there... stay on target DT ;-)

PT said...

November 30, 2006 (Thursday)

I have important news to share... please scroll to the bottom of the screen to find out.


That's the number of days DT has spent in the hospital.


DT is going home tomorrow!!!


Alan Lobo said...

Glad to hear you're out. Hope you keep well.
