Monday, September 04, 2006


I realized that I have been slacking on this for the last few days, mostly because nothing traumatic has happened! :-)

After my last clinic appointment on Thursday, it appears that my doctors are going to try and wait out this drain thing. It went into overdrive for a few days, dumping out something like 1.5-2.5 liters of fluid ever 24 hours. The scary part was that the edema in my leg continued to get bigger. It looks like it is finally slowing down to a reasonable pace (less than 1 liter per 24 hours) and hopefully will continue to slow down over the next few days.

I think the best evidence that good things are happening is that I have lost close to 10 pounds since they put the drain in. I always forget just how much excess fluid weighs! You would think 3 years of dialysis would have taught me that, but what can I say, I thought I didn't have to deal with that so much anymore.

The long weekend has allowed me to spend some quality time off of my feet, which has helped the edema quite a bit. I also went out and bought myself a pair of the compression stockings to wear to help that out some more. As of yesterday, I can finally close the strap on my Tevas again for the first time in about 10 days. I was quite excited about that.
I look quite silly walking around in Tevas and white stocking-like socks, but what the hell, it makes my legs feel much better.

I think that's about it health-wise, so I am going to go play some video games now! :-)

1 comment:

missmolly said...

Socks and sandals. I'm assuming the edema will behave itself and go away pretty soon, and then you can mock it by dressing up as an old fart for Halloween.